AFoCR’s Directors Visit Prague

Twelve AFoCR Directors Travel to Prague to Meet with Czech and American Leaders

During our recent visit to the Czech Republic, twelve of AFoCR directors had the opportunity to meet with a range of leaders including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jan Lipavsky, the National Security Advisor to the Office of the Government, Tomáš Pojar, and the Deputy Minister of Defense, Jan Jireš. Additionally, we were grateful to be welcomed by representatives from the Czech Parliament, the Office of the President, the United States Embassy, and Radio Free Europe.

Our directors were deeply impressed by the youthful and energetic nature of the country’s political leaders. The Czech Republic, a steadfast ally of the U.S., demonstrated a strong desire for close collaboration, with leaders expressing genuine appreciation for AFoCR's commitment to strengthening bilateral relations. We were received with wonderful hospitality and enthusiasm from each partner, and look forward to sharing more about our the details of our visit shortly.

To read more about our trip, follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay up-to-date.


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