Annual Czech and Slovak Freedom Lecture

The Czech and Slovak Freedom Lecture is an annual lecture inaugurated in 2000. It is jointly sponsored by AFoCR, Friends of Slovakia and the Embassies of the Czech and the Slovak Republics. The series features accomplished and prestigious speakers who have spoken on topics related to paths the two countries have taken on their journey to freedom, security, the rule of law, and market economies.

Please follow this link to recordings of selected lectures here.

Czech & Slovak Freedom Lecturers 2000-2023

 1.     Michael Novak, 11/9/2000: “The Struggle for Freedom 10 Years After in the Czech and Slovak Republics” emphasizing the role of intellectuals in the struggle.

2.     Madeleine Albright, 11/19/2001: “Central European – US Relations” emphasizing the importance of NATO enlargement and cooperation in the fight against terrorism while maintaining our shared values.

3.     Adam Michnik, 12/5/2002: “The Czech and Slovak Legacy in the Struggle for Freedom” emphasizing the importance of contacts among dissidents throughout Central Europe in building resistance to Communism.

4.     Václav Klaus, 11/19/2003: “The Czech Republic and the EU”, emphasizing the importance of market oriented economic reform.

5.     Timothy Garton Ash, 11/11/2004: “What Velvet Revolutions Now” emphasizing the legacy of the Velvet Revolution and its relevance for countries in transition today.

6.     Martin Palouš, 11/17/2005: “Czech-US Relations at the Beginning of the 21st Century” emphasizing the need for maintaining close US-Czech ties and building a “pro-American Europe and a pro-European United States”.

7.     Ivan Mikloš, 11/13/2006: “The Political Economy of Reforms in the Slovak Experience: Do Reformers Have to Lose?” discussing the approach of the 1998-2006 Slovak government towards implementing its economic reform program.

8.     Alexandr Vondra, 11/16/2007: “EU and US in the 21st Century: What Identity for Transatlantic Relations” on the importance of maintaining US-European security, economic and energy cooperation. (CSIS).

9.     Ján Kubiš, 11/21/2008: "Strengthening U.S. - Slovak Relations and the Transatlantic Partnership: Opportunities and Challenges in Today's World" on Slovakia role as a full partner in NATO and the EU and in the transatlantic relationship.

10.  Miroslav Topolánek, 12/10/2009: "Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution".

11.  Iveta Radičová, 11/10/2010: "Freedom, Democracy and Prosperity in Central Europe: Story of Transformation and Integration of Slovakia".

12.  Petr Pithart, 11/17/2011:Does the Czech Constitution Provide a Solid Base for the Nation’s Political Health in Comparison with the U.S. Constitution?”

13.  Martin Bútora, 11/16/2012: “Twenty Years of Independence: Reflections on Freedom and Democracy”.

14.  Michael Žantovský, 11/12/2013: “The Uncertainty of Freedom, and the Freedom of Uncertainty”.

15.  Pavol Demeš, 11/14/2014: “Slovakia’s Road to Freedom and Democracy”.

16.  Msgr. Tomáš Halík, 10/20/2015: “A Long Period of Healing”.

17.  Rastislav Káčer, 11/18/2016: “US Relations with Central Europe: Love and Reason”.

18.  Prof. Jan Švejnar, 11/7/2017: “The Czech Republic in the World Economy”.

19.  Mikuláš Dzurinda, 11/16/2018: “Miracles in the Heart of Europe”.

20.  Katarína Csefalvayová and Šimon Pánek, 11/13/2019: “30 years of Czech and Slovak Freedom”.

21.  Tomáš Cihlář, 11/18/2020: “The Fight Against Covid”.

22.  Beata Balogová, 11/17/2021: “How Journalists Survived Backsliding and State Capture”.

23.  Miloslav Stašek,11/15/2022: “High Stakes Conflict: The Critical Importance of Victory in Ukraine”.

24.  Rasťo Kužel, 11/17/2023 “Free and Fair Elections in the New Democracy Age”.